Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kerala ready to introduce GST: Isaac

Kerala ready to introduce GST: Isaac

Kerala is fully equipped to change over to the goods and services tax (GST) regime from the beginning of 2010-11, if the Union government can work out a consensus on it among the States, Finance Minister T.M. Thomas Isaac has said.

Speaking at a workshop here on the GST here on Tuesday, Dr. Isaac said that e-filing and e-payment facilities introduced earlier this year would help Kerala ensure a smooth transition from the existing system to the new one. All that remained to be done in the State was put the officials through a round of training.

Being a State receiving bulk of the items for its consumption from other States, he said, Kerala will benefit to a certain extent by the GST system since it envisages transferring a portion of the tax collected at the manufacturing end to the State that consumes the goods. On the flipside, the State will lose out on the purchase tax revenue from items such as rubber produced here and consumed by other States.

Dr. Isaac said that it was, however, unlikely that the GST regime could be introduced by the beginning of the coming financial year, since there were differences of opinion among the States about its broad format.

The system basically aimed at doing away with several kinds of levies on goods and services, charged by the Union government and the State governments, and bringing them all together under a single new levy that would be shared by the governments.

Dr. Isaac said that Kerala was of the view that the Union government should hand over excise and service taxes entirely to the States. The revenue from these sources now accounted for only 20 per cent of the Centre’s tax receipts.

The Finance Commission could work out a formula to adjust the States’ share of the Central taxes accordingly, he said.

Dr. Isaac said that the collections by way of corporate, customs and personal income tax would leave the Centre with sufficient resources to carry on the Centrally-sponsored development programmes.

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